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Monday 14 December 2015

The garlic milk: a magic cure to relieve sciatica

Sciatica is pain that occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated. The pain can be intense and last several days, as to prevent the person from exercising his daily activities normally. Sciatic pain may appear in the lower back and grow up the back of the legs, and sometimes can even reach tiptoe. The sciatic nerve irritation occurs when compressed and suffers an inflammation due to a herniated disc, a spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, injury and sometimes even tumors.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Pain can occur with varying intensities. The person suffering from sciatica may feel a slight tingling sensation or pain, but it may as well feel more intense pain that can interfere in the daily activities. Generally, this pain appears intensely on the side, although some people may experience pain in the leg or pelvis, or experiencing numbness in other areas of the body. The pain of sciatica can get worse after a few days, especially if the person made inappropriate efforts. This is particularly felt intense pain when walking or you sit at night after you cough or sneeze, among others.

The garlic milk to relieve sciatica

The garlic milk is a natural remedy with many health benefits. It is very effective in combating worms and to relieve sciatica. This alternative treatment can help reduce the inflammation of the sciatic nerve and acts as an analgesic to reduce pain can prevent you from living a normal life. We know that garlic is a very beneficial food because its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties help us combat different types of infections and many health problems. It is therefore the opportunity to prepare a powerful remedy garlic to help you significantly reduce the pain of sciatica and will bring many benefits that contribute to improving your quality of life.


- 4 cloves garlic

- 200 ml vegetable milk (coconut, almond, hazelnut)


Crush the garlic before putting the bowl to heat milk over medium heat. Once the milk begins to heat , add the crushed garlic and cook a few minutes while stirring so it does not boil. Remove from heat, let it cool slightly and add honey to taste. It is recommended to drink at least 200 ml of garlic milk per day for good results.

Other benefits of garlic milk

The garlic milk is powerful medicine to treat digestive problems and constipation.

It is very effective to get rid of intestinal parasites. In this case, it is best to let the milk sit around 4:00 and eat for 10 days on an empty stomach.

This home remedy may also be used in cases of dry cough. It is recommended to consume at night just before going to bed, because it also promotes sleep.

People who suffer from asthma, breathing difficulties and other lung problems may start drinking milk garlic to improve their condition.
In this case, the milk must be drunk hot and preferably before bed .

If you want to start a diet to lose weight and have an exercise plan to accomplish your goal, garlic milk can be a great ally for you.
Garlic is a food that helps activate the metabolism and burn fat.
The ideal is to eat raw, but if you do not like the taste, you can mix it with milk.

Garlic Milk consumption will bring you energy and boost your immune system with antibiotic properties of garlic. It also repels infections caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria.

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The Complete Book of Garlic: A Guide for Gardeners, Growers, and Serious Cooks

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