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Friday 3 March 2017

Super Foods That Boost Immunity

A super food contains a variety of nutrients that fight disease, is readily available, economical and delicious, without the need for salty or added fat seasoning, says Pittsburgh Sports Dietitian and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic Door Heather Mangieri. Super-foods boost immunity and provide the nutrients your body needs to defend not only viruses and infection but also help your body fight off immune-related diseases such as arthritis. They may even help prevent certain types of cancer, according to the American Dietetic Association. We all want to do our utmost to protect ourselves from getting sick, especially when the cold and flu season is rolling around.

1 Blueberries

Powerful blueberries punch pack stimulate the immune system. Blueberries are low in calories, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C and manganese. They are also rich in polyphenols, which in addition to being powerful antioxidants, also have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, researchers have isolated a compound in blueberries called pterostilbene, which in combination with vitamin D increases expression of the cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or the CAMP gene, which is involved in immune function. A cup of blueberries can help your nutrient intake for immune health.

2 Honey

Honey has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. High sugar content, honey acidity and a set of phytochemicals are believed to be the elements that help fight bacteria such as E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It is also used topically to repair wounds, and when ingested, can help repair gastric ulcers and reduce inflammation. You need 1 to 5 tablespoons of raw (unpasteurized) honey a day to get the medicinal benefits. Use it in place of other sweeteners in baked goods, hot cereals and tea to get your daily dose for health. (Children under one year of age and those with weakened immune systems should not consume raw honey.)

3 Mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories and rich in a number of health-promoting nutrients including B vitamins, selenium, potassium and vitamin D. But there is a component called beta-glucan in mushrooms that helps to Strengthen your immune system and can also protect against cancer, as well as slow tumor growth. Shiitake, oyster mushrooms and split mushrooms are the best sources of beta-glucan. Consume one ounce, cooked or raw, one day to improve your nutrient intake.

4 Garlic

As a super food, garlic not only adds flavor to your favorite dishes without the need for fat or salt, but also the bioactive chemical called allicin. This chemical is believed to have antibacterial activity that can help you fight infections caused by Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Getting more garlic in your diet can also help you fight the common cold, although the National Institute of Health says more research is needed before recommendations can be made. For immune health, a crude pod, crushed garlic a day should do it.

5 Green tea

Rich in potent antioxidants polyphenols, green tea can reduce your risk for a number of different types of cancer including lung, colon, stomach and pancreas. According to a review article published in "Chinese medicine," green tea polyphenols can also help fight the bacterium Helicobacter pylori - the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers. While green tea offers a number of immune promotion benefits, it is a source of caffeine and drinking too can affect the bioavailability of iron. One to two cups of green tea a day, you get the benefits without the adverse effects.

6 Yogurt Greek

Greek yogurt is a thick and creamy fermented snack loaded with bacteria known as probiotics. These microorganisms improve your body's ability to fight infection, reduce inflammation and decrease the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. The benefits are not limited to just Greek yogurt, but are found in any yogurt with "live and active cultures" written on the label. One of which is 4 ounces to 6 ounces serving Greek yogurt a day not only fills your intestine With bacteria that improves immunity, but also allows you to meet your daily needs in calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein.

7 Turmeric anti inflammatory Spice

Its curcumin protects the cells from damage caused by free radicals and attenuates the responses of the organism during aggressions (anti-inflammatory). In addition to its well-known anticancer properties, it takes care of the intestines, decreases digestive disorders and removes gastroenteritis.

 How to make the most of it?
Only turmeric is poorly assimilated, it must be associated with a fat that favors its absorption and with black pepper whose piperine potentiates its effects, "advises Caroline Gayet, dietician. "Like all spices coming from far away countries, you have to take it organic to make sure it is free from pesticides and other pollutants," adds Dr. Chevallier. We also think of fresh curcuma, rhizome, peel and cut into small pieces.

1 pinch per day. Sprinkle with vinaigrettes, sauces, velvety sauce, simmered dishes

8 Lemon good on all fronts

It is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants protecting cells from free radicals, which weaken the body and make it more vulnerable to infections. It is also a good source of vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption, antifatigue, and limonoids that boost the immune system. In addition, it supports the functioning of the liver,responsible for detoxifying the organism.

How to make the most of it?
It is pressed in a glass of water. It is not heated too much, to preserve its vitamin C.

A little every day
A filet of lemon juice on a fish, in a vinaigrette, in a smoothie, a muesli, a fruit salad etc.

9 Antioxidant Pomegranate Juice

Tannins, anthocyanins, ellagic acid etc the pomegranate contains the amount of antioxidant molecules that Act in synergy. It is of interest to researchers for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer actions. The juice is more interesting than  the whole fruit because by pressing, the antioxidants contained in the membranes are also extracted.

How to get the most out of it
Some pomegranate juices contain a lot of added sugar, "warns Dr. Chevallier. Caroline Gayet's

Tip: "Take a 100% pure juice and dilute it with a little water to reduce its acidity."

A glass every morning

10.Omega-3 fatty is supplied by fish
Good for the cardiovascular system, omega-3 also has an anti inflammatory action that prevents many diseases. They are found in certain oils(rapseed,nuts) and in all fatty fish. These, in addition, provide Vitamin D, which is also rare in the diet and important for the activation of the immune system.

Prefer small fish such as sardines or heering, less polluted than large fish like tuna at the end of the food chain. 1 or 2 per week.

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