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Wednesday 8 March 2017

The best 6 supplements to take for building muscles

Indispensable supplements? Not necessarily. Some are in any case much more useful than others to gain muscle. Indeed, there are a handful of supplements that demonstrate true effectiveness while others do not, in fact, have any interest. Here is a list of the ones you should consider worthy of your food program to give you a little help.

Whey Protein
A practitioner, who wants to take muscle mass, necessarily needs a larger amount of protein than a person who does not practice any sport. It is therefore necessary to consume a larger quantity via food, thanks to foods such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. But, it is also possible to make use of a food supplement like whey to meet your needs.
Obviously, there are other proteins in powder! But, whey has the advantage of being assimilated quickly. This places it at the top of this type of supplements for your snack right after workout. Thanks to it, you will refuel the amino acids at the moment when your body will be the most demanding. Taking Whey can help you better recover and therefore take muscle more effectively.

The Creatine is a supplement that makes a lot of attention, especially because it has been unfairly linked to doping cases, by ignorant media. No, creatine is not a doping agent and is not forbidden.
On the other hand, it is effective as a food supplement. It causes an increase in the amount of water inside the cells, which makes it possible to improve the absorption of the nutrients by these cells. In addition, this may cause a more swollen appearance in the muscles. But, that's not all, creatine helps increase the availability of ATP, the primary source of muscle fuel. In other words, thanks to creatine, You will be able to perform a few more repetitions on your series, which will therefore promote muscle mass gain. In addition, creatine will also increase but slightly the rate of certain hormones that can help in the growth of muscles.

The name BCAA designates three branched amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Together they have an anabolic action and can therefore promote muscle mass gain. They can also act as fuel and prevent muscle catabolism.
If you take BCAAs before, during and after the session, you should improve your performance and recovery. This can therefore promote muscle mass gain.
Know that whey is already rich in BCAA, it is rather useless to take both at the same time.

The carbohydrates represent one of the body of fuel. Some add-ons are specially designed for you, but you need to know when to use them.
The first type of carbohydrate is powders, such as oats , which have a moderate Glycemic Index and can be used for snacks.
The second type of carbohydrate, it is those who have a much higher GI as Dextrose, the Maltodextrin , the Vitargo or Waxy Maize . It is best to avoid using them in snacks because they would cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. On the other hand, if you use them in your exercise drink , during your workout, they can help you reduce fatigue and increase your performance. As you bring enough fuel to your body, it will not have to draw into your muscle stores and you will recover faster after your workout. All this helps to improve your muscle mass.

One of the three pillars of muscle building is training and therefore performance. To promote the muscle mass, it takes intense sessions and know to go to the limit of its limits. However, attacking a workout with little motivation or feeling a slight tiredness can quickly stall performance. In this kind of case, caffeine has the advantage of giving a big boost and can even help improve your performance by reducing the painful sensations. So it's a great asset to make effective sessions. Be careful though not to take too much as it is a supplement that can be dangerous in high doses.

The winners
This kind of supplement is a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and fats supposed to bring in extra calories. They have been designed for mass acceptance. However, the vast majority of these products are poorly formulated. They then contain ingredients of poor quality and that will not be useful to the body at the time of setting. They are not the best choice for most practitioners. Better is a solid diet with carbohydrates whose GI is low and whose fats are useful.

Nonetheless, some gainers are still worthy of interest for people who have the most difficulty in gaining mass because it requires them to eat a lot. In their case, they should choose a wincer formulated with carbohydrates whose Glycemic Index is reasonable and which does not contain too many additives. The best thing is to buy the ingredients separately: whey, oatmeal, a spoon of rapeseed oil and the trick is played.

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